Final transnational partners meeting – 14-15 February 2024 – Sofia, Bulgaria

The final transnational partners’ meeting was held on 14th and 15th February 2024 at 94 SU “Dimitar Strashimirov” Sofia. The meeting was attended by all partners. The main purpose of the meeting was to discuss the results from the pilot implementation phase, which are very positive. The partners were able to increase 3 times the number of the involved students in the pre-employment programme piloting comparing with the promised number in the project application form.

Through the pilot, more than 123 marginalised students from 46 nationalities had the opportunity for practical learning that increased their understanding of the job search and application process. Through active participation in the pilot application, students were able to apply theoretical knowledge in practical scenarios, contributing to the development of their critical thinking skills. This contributed to their academic and professional pursuits, resulting in increased motivation, confidence and readiness for future challenges.

In addition, 28 teachers facilitated the process together with representatives of the project partners. The partners discussed the results from the feedback gathering process and the preparation of the piloting report. Furthermore, the partners shared the established exploitation negotiations with schools in Bulgaria and Turkiye, which will multiply the effect of the project and will use the project results.

The partners discussed also the internal evaluation process, dissemination and preparation of the final report. At the end of the meeting, the project coordinator Mrs. Latinka Kovacheva recap the meeting and provided partners with certificates for participation.